On The Eve of 2012

“Fuse the powers of the sacred heart with the energies of the body, and you can transform everything.”

 Teilhard de Chardin.

Your Soul’s Intention

These are some exciting times for those of us who are committed to creating a new dream for our lives. What is showing up now in each of our lives indicates our deepest soul desire that we are here to resolve on our earth walk while in these bodies. So you might be experiencing some increased challenges and therefore, opportunities.

What you focus on and experience now will align you further with your soul’s intention and purpose for this lifetime.

If you are still unclear about what your path is or what you are here to express, then call it forward. Make an intention statement declaring that you are ready for your purpose to unfold and ready to be guided to the actions you most need to take now.

You were made for this challenge that you are now experiencing and now more than ever, you have access to the courage and all you will need to pass through this.

The more you can call your soul’s intention to you with the statement “I am ready,” the more clear results you can experience. I suggest you each journal with the statement “I am ready for….” and see what comes forward as you write your list…there just might be more than one thing that you are ready for. Another way to approach it is to determine, what you are tired of…done with…or just over, already! Remember how powerful stating your choice can be.

Preparing for Winter Solstice

We are in the weeks before Winter Solstice, one of my favorite energies of the year, and the perfect time to slow down, stop pushing ourselves around, find more time to go deep within so we can retrieve all that our soul is trying to

Communicate to us. This is a time of gathering our energies and trusting more fully that all is in divine order in our lives. Though, it still may not look like what we think it should or we may just be getting impatient with the slow returns on what we want to manifest, it is time to have complete faith that we may need to continue to allow old energies to clear and pass through, energies that don’t match the heart’s desire. This process is vital to the outcome. Whatever it takes!

This requires some discipline and will makes us all stronger in the end. And it is this kind of strength that comes from the commitment to be a Spiritual presence in the world by practicing consistently. This is a vital aspect to our commitment that these unpredictable times require. Even perhaps more than “what we think we should be doing” now in the world, it is important that we see that the energies that we are bringing forward within our hearts and bodies precede and define our “doing.” Since these energies are still emerging and being birthed, we are works in progress, patience is required. Some days we see clearly, other days we are overwhelmed by this juxtaposition of being both Spirit and Matter and having a foot in each boat as we sail through our lives.

The natural darkness of these winter days, creates a womb-like environment for us to nourish ourselves within, allowing us to be more awake to the desires of the soul. Here is where we can choose to support our belief in our ability to dream like a master. Meaning, that we accept the power we have when we focus our minds and follow our hearts as they work together so we can be fully present. We all desire to be free to express what we have come here to express, to be less distracted by doubt, fear or the stories of the limited versions of ourselves. The womb of winter is a great place to grow our courage and our vision.

Going within, seeking direction and confirmation at the onset of Solstice gives more clarity to our choices. We have all traveled long and far to come to this time, to do exactly what we are doing and thus revealing a more authentic version of ourselves.

All that is ever needed when we feel under stress is more love and the faith that the imprint of our soul is guiding everything. We could sit back and relax, knowing that “all is as it should be” and “we are all as we should be.” As we move into action from this place, the entire world begins to open up to us!

Imagine This

Here is a simple way to think about how our internal world (Yin) and the external world (Yang) work together. Come to think of it, these days before Solstice are Yin, to be followed by the Yang of the new energies of 2012! Embracing the qualities of Yin and Yang create balance and clarity and a powerful platform to greet the New Year, which promises to be a wild but exhilarating ride!

Balance is an essential ingredient to our happiness — if we aren’t making choices to maintain balance in our lives, we feel it right away. Our integrity thrives on balance and let’s us know when we have gotten ourselves out of balance. Haven’t you noticed that in your life? Your body is always ready to let you know when you have lost touch with your center, and what you most need to give yourself. The concept of Yin and Yang demonstrate our need for balance, especially in a world that is so out of balance. Solstice energies, if we really feel them, gift us with the self awareness of what is “passing through us” in preparation for what is coming, choosing to transform with ease, and letting go of struggle.

The Yin Quality

Yin is the quality of being open and allowing yourself to be receptive to Life and its unlimited energy. It also speaks to the power that is available when you are open to your own heart. Yin brings us to seek more surrender everyday

or another way to say to see surrender, assists us in letting go of our “need to know” in order to feel secure. We enjoy going deeper to connect with true sources of inspiration and guidance. It can also mean to actively invite the unknown to dance with you…to be curious about what may have frightened you before. This darker, wintertime is perfect for meditation, dreaming and more unstructured time allowing ideas and images to come and play with you. Darkness can be our friend as it serves the light.

The Yang Quality

Yang is more dynamic energy and is directed outward into action. Make all your actions from awareness that reflect what you received in the yin state. Otherwise, you just might create more “re-“actions”, which bring forward old, automatic patterns. Though seeing these patterns is helpful now, they can also be painful if we don’t let them pass through.

Yang energy moving outward is where we seek our authentic self-expression and voice, playing with matter to create our dream by using words and communication. Courage is the state where we listen to what our heart wants, and if we agree to go into action by communicating it, fear will likely arise first.  Congratulations, you have just succeeded in creating an opportunity for yourself to step into the bigger dream you hold of yourself.

An Internal Balance

The most powerful position we can seek is being balanced in both the worlds of Spirit and Matter and allowing the energies from both to exchange with one another through our bodies. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that there is so much more to us than what we experience with our eyes and what is in the material. Then we can open to the silence and the mystery that we are and choose to have quieter, inner time to touch it.

 When Yin and Yang are balanced, the potential is to experience a state of embodiment which is experienced as the ultimate sense of security, something that we need to cultivate when so much insecurity is present in the external at this time. Being at home in our bodies, with the energies of the power centers balanced, is part of what our souls are here to do….bringing Spirit into Matter. Embodying balance allows us to channel through us both Yin and Yang, Masculine and Feminine qualities and brings us into more flow and alignment with this great mystery of Life.

I hope each of you enjoy what your soul is revealing to you today as you reach into a future that you are designing from your clear awareness and your heart’s desire. Let’s make this passage into a new era with a full heart and a curious mind as we explore together our full potential.