Soul Connected & Soul Directed

“The purpose of our journey on this precious Earth is to align

our personalities with our souls!

 To create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life.

It is to grow spiritually. This is our evolutionary pathway.”

~ Gary Zukav ~

Soul Connected + Soul Directed

As you begin to live in a way that feels more authentic to you, and as you open your heart to better feel and intuit what is true for you, you connect to your soul. From this connection it becomes clear that you are here to grow spiritually, and that this “Earth School” provides great opportunities for that growth.

Soul can be thought of as the life force energy available in all living things. In we humans, we most relate to it as the deep, silent animating force from within, that defies explanation but can feel like a powerful current of energy when we are tapped in.

One way to think about soul connection is like our personal, silent GPS, directing us toward being more awake, aware and aligned with our divine origin and pointing us toward our clearest creative expression. It’s why we are so moved by music and great literature and poetry – these are a few of the channels for inspired soul expression to come through.

When you speak about your Spirit, you are talking about your Soul. When you experience knowing, beyond the thoughts in your mind or your inner chatter, your soul is messaging you. Knowing yourself deeply and lovingly, is the process of drawing closer, listening to silent knowledge, trusting feeling, observing without judgment – all ways that allow soul level wisdom  to rise to the surface to reveal itself.

Trusting the power of your soul wisdom means you have to go beyond following and believing the persistent voice of your ego program, and learn to navigate the relationship with your mind’s loud and intrusive voice, and be inspired to find the gap, where you can access your true power and source

How do you develop the ability to listen to the helpful and valuable wisdom and guidance that is messaging you from your soul?

One of the easiest ways available to you right now, to get closer to listening at a soul level, is to use Embodied Breath Practices as a step to quiet the mind, while becoming more tuned into the sensations of the felt senses in the body. Soul messages travel on your feelings, intuitions, and inner visions. This simple practice also clears away stress, worry and over thinking.

Here’s the link to the breath practice.

Embodied Breathe Practice