Rita's Blog

Growing into your fullest, most authentic self… into the ONE that you most desire to BE, is a worthy life-long pursuit and underlies the commitment of being on a Spiritual path.

Soul Connected & Soul Directed

“The purpose of our journey on this precious Earth is to align our personalities with our souls!  To create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life. It is to grow spiritually. This is our evolutionary pathway.” ~ Gary Zukav ~ Soul Connected + Soul Directed As you begin to live in a way that feels […]


Soul Insight #2

My definition of sanity is based on one’s ability to maintain one’s primary identity from the witnessing perspective of the higher self or soul, with an open channel to being nourished by Source Divinity as our main food supply.” Soul…it’s where we can always find home and be at true and deep rest.  We’ve never not been […]


Soul Insight #3

“Your soul is requiring you to heal deeper, to elevate past the hurt, to transcend beyond what happened, to let go of what and who no longer serves you, to protect your energy daily, to get the lesson, to master your thoughts and emotions, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally and to honor your […]


Inside Out

My 4-year-old granddaughter loves the movie “Inside Out”. As you can imagine, I’ve seen it many times. I suspect she doesn’t really understand the nuances of the film. Although it’s a realistic depiction of emotions and how they can control us, she mostly delights in the colors and the animated characters. She has even adopted a line […]


Fortunate We Are

Fortunate we are to be experiencing a big wave of transformational energy moving through our personal lives, touching upon beliefs and stories around self-worth and self value. Trust that you have all the courage living in your heart that you need to break old habits of making yourself small and undeserving, as well as, all the […]