Soul Insight #2

My definition of sanity is based on one’s ability to maintain one’s primary identity from the witnessing perspective of the higher self or soul, with an open channel to being nourished by Source Divinity as our main food supply.”

Soulit’s where we can always find home and be at true and deep rest.  We’ve never not been connected to our soul power, so we’ve never not had the ability to be at home, at rest, and safe.  Now more than ever, it’s time to learn to strengthen our soul connection.

Soul…It’s where the Real You resides and is always messaging you to come closer, to take a deeper listen. We also call this source of your wisdom, Silent Knowledge.

Your authentic voice speaks from soul wisdom and when you move into a flow state rather than being in a control state, you are ready to be soul directed. 

As you continue to grow your inner awareness and desire to know yourself, not so much from how other’s have told you how to be, but where your soul is guiding you,  you can better recognize the difference between a personality/ ego driven state and a much deeper soul directed state.  It’s simply a matter of realizing that what you really yearn to experience, is likely not going to come from what your ego says it wants. The growth here is to transform your ego’s directives so that it serves the wisdom that originates in your silent knowledge. 

When you pay attention to your emotions, and accept each sensation as it surfaces, you can witness pure energy or emotional energy moving through your body. From this movement, you gain access to valuable information that can guide you to express yourself in a more authentic and empowered way. 

Your soul messages travel on sensations from the body and so, learning to welcome sensation, while befriending our darker emotions, we begin to breakthrough to explore and delight in our own soul wisdom as it rises to the surface. As the insanity of the dream of the planet intensifies, we choose actively to find our sanity and direction in the stillness of soul time. 

Meditating is like having a conversation with your soul- I call it my soul time.