Soul Insight #3

Your soul is requiring you to heal deeper, to elevate past the hurt, to transcend beyond what happened, to let go of what and who no longer serves you, to protect your energy daily, to get the lesson, to master your thoughts and emotions, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally and to honor your body temple; all in order to thrive and vibrate higher daily.

If these spiritual values speak to you, and you are moved to live from them, you will have chosen to live from your soul’s wisdom. As you make this choice more and more, seeking direction from your soul, struggle and resistance could arise. Ultimately, how we transform the habit of struggling, will be a very potent choice point and a powerful learning opportunity on the way to living a more awake life.  

Ultimately, how we reframe our previous struggles will become a powerful learning opportunity and a conscious choice we can continue to make.

So, what does your soul’s path have to do with your current challenge or struggle?

Letting go of an image of someone you think you should be, or a version of yourself you’ve invested time and energy into, can cause struggle to arise. Aiming for a full on, no more excuses, fiercely courageous authentic self, expressing herself fully in the world, is the simple act of answering your soul’s call, but it can be an uncomfortable journey.

So if you are struggling, feeling anxious, wondering when this supposed better version of your life is going to show up, or when your faith in the process of growing from the inside out becomes really challenging, know your soul is doing it’s best work, which is the alchemy of soul work – transforming old programming and self limiting choices into a more brilliant, loving, confident you.

Things from before, must fall away, loss will occur, tears will rise up. When this happens, drop deeper, trust stronger, keep meditating, keep doing your inner work, and most of all listen to your heart by feeling it, because it has the all important job of translating your soul directives into messages that arrive as sensations. Be attuned.

Those messages will be silent, as in Silent Knowledge, but your heart will hear them, relaying a feeling to your body to signal when you are on the right track or not. Struggle is only the result of resisting what the soul wants.

Feel when your body is struggling against something, and trust that your old energy is already being replaced by that which your soul knows you are ready to receive and embody. In the end, the soul wins…. your expansive, authentic, brilliant nature bursts forth and struggle has achieved it’s purpose.