8 Tools to Thrive in Changing Times
More than anything we can do now to contribute to the tremendous healing wave of transformation, is to show up in our lives, fully present with open minds and hearts. From this aware state, we can be a conduits of well being for ourselves, our family, our community and our world. Somehow, I just know that the challenges of 2012 and beyond are an invitation to our courageous, authentic and purposeful selves to thrive and live our greatest potential.
- As long as a system remains stable then it has less chance of really shifting or being impacted by transformation. But when a system undergoes big change and chaos is unleashed, then the incoherence that follows creates an opening for the potential of a more coherent system to come on line. Such is our case, at this time in human history…many of the fundamental systems we have come to rely on are in big upheaval. On the forefront of so much transformation, the response that comes from love or compassion is more coherent than that which comes from fear or doubt. The positive, loving, inclusive, energies are where we want to continue to put our attention and grow with the actions we take. This time is truly exciting to observe as conditions continue to be favorable for a profound transformation in our human dream.
- In Chinese, the symbol for “crisis” is a combination of the symbols for “danger” plus “opportunity.” When challenge appears in your life, it is revealing an opportunity that you might be hidden from your awareness. Challenge can help you get focused and prioritize what is truly meaningful and deserves more of your attention. This reframe can increase the need for mindfulness and open you up to all kinds of new ways of being present in your life now.
- What you think and what you feel create your experience. When the state of the external economy impacts you, remember that you have control over your internal economy. You have the ability to create an experience that is different from the collective response. You can do this by becoming aware of the choice you have when responding to outer circumstances. We may not be able to change what is going on in the external but we always have a choice about how we will interpret. Be aware not to take the mindset of the masses necessarily as your interpretation, but instead ask yourself, “How can I interpret this crisis/challenge/event so that I do not contribute more fear or chaos to what is already going on?”
- When you life is impacted by change you might experience feelings of doubt and uncertainty. It is important to keep asking your self to stay focused on what is abundant in your life. Perhaps cash flow is flowing more slowly than you would like but in other ways, abundance could be showing up. Perhaps, your family connections and the time you can give to those important relationships, is increasing. Connections might be deepening with friends as you get together and support each or problem solve together. Or there could be a myriad of little ways that “riches” are appearing. Think of it as being given the opportunity to move closer to the people in your life that you love and want to give your attention to. And the best action you can take is to express gratitude for abundance wherever it is showing up in your life.
- Externals like the economy, the political and banking systems, and the government are all an expression of our human consciousness. Likely, what you are most in reaction to regarding these systems is the amount of fear and distortion that drives them. Your thoughts can either feed the contraction or fear that you observe or they can be more neutral and positive. Every reaction you have feeds what you are in reaction to. Are you feeding it more fear or are you aware of your ability to transform what you observe by just refraining from having to have an opinion. Or ask yourself, is it possible to at least remain neutral and thus make a choice not to create more fearful energy? This is how we shift our collective consciousness, one thought at a time.
- Since everything is made up of energy and you are at effect of larger energy cycles that sometimes may appear overwhelming, you still have a choice in your response. If money flow is temporarily constricted then make sure other avenues are flowing freely. Become more generous with your time, your love and your gifts. Volunteer, reach out and offer help to a friend or family member. Create an energy of flow and movement through you, and through your actions. Stand up against despair and inertia and start sharing yourself with others.
- Do your best to notice when your thoughts are filled with limitation or stories about what you can’t do, or how it isn’t fair, or cause you to disconnect from friends who aren’t going through what you are. Notice also that these thoughts create contraction in your body….a tight, heavy energy. The Law of Attraction says that what you feel ( which is just energy after all) will attract more of the same. It goes on further to say, that what you feel you then contribute to the mass consciousness of the stew we are all swimming in. Perhaps, one of the opportunities in these times is to become better at monitoring your thoughts and beliefs so that you can grow beyond them and take new actions that will ultimately transform them. Taking it one step further, imagine you could dissolve contracted energy in your body that closes you down to receiving your good. You can, you know. It’s as easy as finding your breath and allowing your attention to move inward to breathe mindfully.
- Don’t wait for happiness, find it here and now in what you already have. Find your riches within and in the connections you have with those beloved others in your life. Happiness is a CHOICE. That means that each story you tell about your current circumstances can result in contributing to your happiness or it can steal your happiness. Happiness is also an emotional state with its very own, high vibe signature…the more you feel it and swim in it…..the more it attracts energy just like itself. Find at least three things each day you can be happy about and keep your awareness on them. Go ahead , just be happy for no particular reason at all. But if you need one, hey, here is one of the best: You Are Alive!
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