Embodying the Practical Mystic

By Ellen Luksch & Rita Rivera Fox



Do you believe that mystical experiences exist on a level outside of your everyday concerns OR that they are readily available to each one of us?

Have you had experiences that transported you to a different level of awareness – but they seemed fleeting and rare?

What if mystical experience is everyday life seen from a different point of view?

What if that way of perceiving and experiencing can be nurtured and expanded into your daily life making it a kind of practical mysticism?

We believe that the practical mystic can touch into their mystical and authentic self while negotiating everyday life and its challenges. In this expanded state of awareness, you can experience the power and joy of your personal freedom and gift that same energy to all those you interact with.

Embodying your practical mystic becomes a way of life in which you trade struggle and lack for well being, ease and happiness. These richer qualities already live within each of us. They comprise your authentic self.

You just need to learn how to move your attention toward these natural states of being – while withdrawing your energy from those old choices that speak of our inabilities, smallness, and “not-enoughness.” Gaining the awareness to be more aligned with the mystical self brings your fullest possibility into your daily life.

To achieve this, we have created a spiritual practice that merges mindfulness with the Toltec Masteries and can radically alter your old points of view that keeps you recycling a sense of anxiety, separation, difficulty, overwhelm, less than or lack. These emotions if not addressed – will distract you from your inner mystic and the innate wisdom that is already within YOU!

When you become aware of your agreements and old beliefs, you can clearly how those agreements produce heavy or unwanted emotions. With awareness, you can make another choice where you practice bringing your attention to the experiences you “want to feed,” giving you the ability to re-frame your daily interaction with life – and bringing forth the sense of awe and wonder that lives in every moment.

It all begins with a willingness to watch how your mind creates its “spin” on reality and most particularly how that “spin” makes itself felt throughout your physical and emotional body. Take a moment to consider the follow statements and see how they resonate with you – as we have found them to be truth for all of us.

Everything is energy, including your thoughts and emotions. And energy can be transformed.

  •  Uncomfortable emotions and small thinking are often what stand in the way of creating happiness.
  • We learn to avoid and resist “challenging” emotions in very creative and often unconscious ways.
  • When we resist feeling, we cut off a part of ourselves and we close down that feeling by contracting the body and switching to other “preferable” emotions or distractions.
  • Resistance and separation from our feelings sets up the dualistic mindset that prevents us from feeling whole and living in unity.
  • Resistance and separation keeps us in the loop of judgment that denies us the resolution that forgiveness can bring.


Practicing awareness develops a keen realization of the body-mind connection and transforms uncomfortable emotions through awareness, breath, movement and compassion. It is possible to feel passion and joy again.

Here is the key: by practicing moving into the energy of the emotions you normally avoid, you then choose to meet them with your awareness – rather than pushing them aside.

There is valuable information in this meeting – your false beliefs will reveal themselves within your bodily sensations allowing them to release and clear. This practice is exactly what is needed to heal the separation from unity consciousness we deeply desire to experience.

There is only this moment and your choice within it. You are powerful and you have the awareness within you to become a practical mystic. All that is needed is your willingness to commit to the process, and to get back on your feet if you slide back momentarily into resistance and separation.

We invite you to join us in Spain this April 13-20th to practice these powerful techniques so you can return home empowered with the tools you need to make the changes you deeply desire in your life. We would be honored to have you on our luscious Embodying the Heart of the Mystic retreat in Andalucía & Costa del Luz, Spain!