Speaker, Seminar & Journey Leader

Journey Leader

TeoGroup1Rita Rivera Fox is an accomplished and gifted journey leader, facilitating transformational journeys to sacred sites in Mexico, Guatemala, Greece, Peru, Ireland, England, Italy and the Southwest. Her style of intuitive leadership and ability to connect with the energies of ancient power spots and the cultures that created them creates a memorable experience for all who travel with her.

Seminar Leader/Speaker

RitaMeghanRita has been a featured speaker at venues such as the Omega Institute, Teton Wellness Festival, Whole Life Expo,  The Meta Center, as well as, the Unity Church. She is a skilled group facilitator inviting opportunities to expand awareness, and increase insight, while empowering the heart connection in each of us.  All of her presentations speak to the powerful inner wisdom and truth within each one that actualizes healing, and soul growth, bringing more coherence to our experience of life.

She is also an experienced ceremony leader, utilizing her knowledge of Native ritual and themes that she blends with the intention and direction for the current occasion.

Rita is available for speaking at your venue, conference or gathering on these topics:

Rita Rivera Fox