Rita's Blog

Growing into your fullest, most authentic self… into the ONE that you most desire to BE, is a worthy life-long pursuit and underlies the commitment of being on a Spiritual path.

Oh, for the love of change!

When I was growing up my Mother used to say frequently,”Oh for the love of God!”  The statement didn’t have any really meaning for me, just an occasion to look up from what ever it was I was engrossed in playing with to see what she was exclaiming about again. Now, as I ride the […]


Emotional Awareness: What Have You Been Emotionally Eating?

It has been said that “you are what you eat” and this is especially true when it comes to your emotional diet. Perhaps you have never thought about a diet in terms of an emotional one. It may seem enough of a challenge to just be concerned with what foods you are putting into your […]