Oh, for the love of change!

When I was growing up my Mother used to say frequently,”Oh for the love of God!”  The statement didn’t have any really meaning for me, just an occasion to look up from what ever it was I was engrossed in playing with to see what she was exclaiming about again.

Now, as I ride the waves of change over here on the west coast (but I guess rapid and unpredictable change is happening everywhere) I heard myself exclaim this morning, “Oh for the love of change!”

Then it dawned on me how these two versions actually are related. First, for me and the choice I have made to be aware of my relationship with Life or God force, means that I am constantly being confronted with the inevitability of change…or perhaps a better term is transformation. That entails being aware that shifts in the status quo are what create the openings to relinquish any barriers to my clear connection with Life. After all that is where the real “juice” is. And when I can embrace the one thing that is certain, that I will be asked again and again to shift my story, or my interpretation, or my status quo so I can be a more clear conduit for that force to move through, then the love of change brings me closer to experiencing God presence in my life.

To love change means that I do my best to not resist “what is”….that is, what is clearly right in front of me asking me, and sometimes not politely, for my attention and awareness. This usually means that an old thought or role no longer aligns with my new potential and so I have an opportunity to choose again what my response will be. This does keep me on my toes and quite engaged with Life as it rolls through on a daily basis. As it does, it reveals that change really is in service to my agreement to BE awake.

I have noticed over these many years that it is really best to welcome change, because it is coming no matter what.

It’s a wild ride, this life. So, for MY love of God may I continue to welcome change. May I find equilibrium even in the midst of instability and confusion. And of course, from my heart, I wish the same for each of you and the many that are challenged now with the unexplainable and the inconvenient.  I have observed that I certainly have the potential to access even more of my true self when externals are shifting and moving… and so do you. Really, I have no choice but to choose to welcome change. Do you?