Feeling Insecure?

Are you feeling insecure?

I have a remedy – get connected, allow me to explain:

While sitting with one of my clients the other day, she was sharing how she was becoming aware of how her insecurities were hurting her relationship.  I reminded her that insecurity is created by a story in her mind, a story that fears she isn’t enough. And how, once this belief is off and running, the mind often builds upon that story, leaving her doubting that she is loveable.  These erroneous stories and beliefs are the origin of her insecurities, and for that matter, all insecure feelings any of us can ever have.

What I have learned through years of guiding individuals to awareness is the existence of a place within each of us that exists far beyond our beliefs, and we possess all that we need to reach this place. This place is a state of feeling, a state of heightened awareness. When we move away from our thoughts, and instead choose to feel sensation, we can achieve the pleasurable experience that comes from knowing, without a doubt, that we are connected to all of LIFE and that we can trust that connection.

As my client relaxed and moved into the feeling state, keeping her awareness on breathing and the sensations she was feeling in her body, she shared that her thoughts were diminishing and that she was able to feel a sense of calm where her thoughts used to be. Capitalizing on her progress, I next directed her to simply feel, at her heart center, the fullness, an expansion and the feeling of being supported and held by a power beyond her knowing.   Soon, I could see that she was in a place where I could guide her to connect to the source of her life force, or to LIFE itself. Transitioning into a still, meditative state had allowed her mind and body to open, so she could move into that place, that place I referenced before that exists beyond our thoughts.

She deepened and soon, an easy smile came across her face, her breathing slowed, her body settled and all was quiet. From where I was sitting, it was clear that the connection to Source had been synced up and was flowing! I could see that a state of calm, connectedness had supplanted the agitation that her insecurities had created earlier. There was no longer any place for insecure thoughts to run amok in this one’s being.

When we allow ourselves to drop away from the over active mind and sit in the stillness of the heart, the inevitable happens, we remember our Divine connection-our true, and authentic state. It’s beyond any story, its’ just the deeper place that is always existing, has always been there and that has the power to dissolve any silly thoughts of “not loveable.”

Experiencing and feeling this connection, provides a sense of support and well-being that carries us, uplifted through each day. We then show up in all our relationships open and more grounded internally because we are experiencing the state of being loveable to ourselves first, and from this place, love flows as you give and receive and all your relationships benefit.